Our Best Coffees For Your Home Brewer

Our Best Coffees For Your Home Brewer

I was on a coaching call recently when a customer explained that they use multiple brewing methods at home—French Press has been their staple for years, but recently they’ve begun experimenting with Pour-Over and Cold Brewing. They wanted to know which of our coffees would work best for each type of brewing method. And this got me thinking: I bet many of our customers have themselves asked a similar question.

No matter your preferred brewing method and your preferred style of coffee, I’m confident we have a coffee or two to complement it. As such, I’ve put together a few suggested combinations based on our team’s experience roasting and brewing them every day: 


Our picks:

The Pour-Over is many people’s go-to coffee brewer. Whether it’s a Chemex, a Hario V60, or one of the myriad other variations available, the pour-over method is easy to learn and creates a clean cup that is great for highlighting a coffee’s more nuanced flavors. This method, therefore, lends itself very well to single-origin coffees, which tend to have more distinct flavor profiles. Our aromatic and floral Ethiopia Yirgacheffe is a great example, as is our latest single-origin release – the Colombia Tolima El Tucan.

French Press

Our picks:

The French Press is a classic example of immersion brewing. Coffee steeps for 4 mins, then a metal filter separates liquids from solids, though much less finely than a paper filter would. As such, more of the coffee’s oils and sediment get through into the cup, creating a fuller body and heavier mouthfeel. This is ideal for coffees that already boast a big body, and for accentuating more of the roast flavors many people love. Our ever-popular Mocha Java or Sumatra would be our choice in the French Press, harnessing these coffees’ fuller bodies and bringing out those deep, rich flavors.


Our picks:

The hallmark of the Aeropress is its versatility, allowing the user to brew in any number of ways from immersion to espresso-like. In fact, its popularity and versatility has inspired an entire worldwide competition just based around its use.

With a finer grind, paper filter, and relatively fast brewing time, the Aeropress is another brewer that enjoys a lighter-medium, single origin coffee to best highlight the nuances within. Our direct-trade Guatemala San Jose Poaquil is a perfect choice. Or, if you prefer a blend, our 40th Anniversary Blend’s balanced chocolate, citrus & spice notes would benefit from some experimentation with the Aeropress.

Automatic Drip

Our picks:

The automatic drip brewer—many in the specialty coffee world look down on this humble machine, preferring instead to focus on the trendier, flashier one-cup brewers. But drip brewer technology has advanced a lot, and with something like a Moccamaster in your kitchen, you can get a top quality cup of coffee at the push of a button. And, maybe more importantly, you can get several cups of great-tasting coffee at home!

For drip brewers, we recommend our House Blend, formulated as it is for daily brewing in our cafes. Another option would be our Bainbridge Strong, a robust blend well suited to automatic drip brewing, or if you’d prefer a single origin we suggest trying something balanced and sweet like the Organic Peru. Whatever you choose, a drip brewer will help you get your day started right.

Espresso Machine

Our picks:

If you have a home espresso machine, finding the right beans is usually the final piece of the puzzle. Espresso is another brew method that can be many things to many people, from a thick, potent kickstarter to something more dynamic, bright, and sweet.

Here at Pegasus, we know espresso, and in fact we already have the perfect choice with the perfect name. Our classic Espresso Blend recipe was created 40 years ago through trial and error for the sole purpose of tasting great in an espresso machine. If you’re looking for something a bit more adventurous, our single-origin Sulawesi Toraja is dark enough to satisfy the Italian espresso faithful while providing a sweet and earthy edge to take your DIY lattes to the next level.

Cold Brew

Our picks:

Cold Brew is another example of immersion brewing, like the French Press, yet this one steeps in cold water for 8-24 hours depending on your brewer and concentration preference. More concentrated cold brew can be diluted with filtered water after the fact to create the desired level of strength in the your cup—or, you can add milk for an extravagant treat.

In our experience, lighter-roasted, naturally processed coffees (like our Ethiopia Chelelektu) shine in the cold brew method. Lighter roasts create a lighter-bodied cup, and the fruit notes from the natural processing lead to a delightfully refreshing cold coffee beverage. For those looking for a more traditional flavor profile of cocoa, almonds and some subtle fruit notes, we’ve found our Guatemala San Jose Poaquil makes a fantastic cold brew, and an even better nitro! 


I hope this helps you select which of our coffees you’d like to try next! And if you have further questions, don’t forget about our 15-minute remote coffee coaching sessions. We’re thrilled to be able to help you brew and enjoy the best coffee you can at home. And who knows… one of your great questions might just become the subject of our next blog post.



Matt Grady

President, Pegasus Coffee Company

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